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Schoharie Creek Aqueduct

Fallen Arches The original Erie Canal was begun on July 4, 1817 and completed in 1825. The section that went through Fort Hunter was completed in 1823. In the early years the boats were pulled across the slack, pooling waters of Schoharie Creek. It was slow and dangerous work. In the 1830’s commerce travel had increased to the point that an expansion of the canal was needed. Construction of an aqueduct over Schoharie Creek began ...

Tillman Crane Platinum Atelier

The Tillman Crane Platinum Atelier provides the perfect opportunity for photographers to work in a darkroom designed for making platinum prints and includes professional supervision and assistance. The Platinum Atelier is available for all levels of expertise – beginner, intermediate and skilled makers of platinum prints. Whether this is your first experience with this beautiful printing process or you are making an entire portfolio for an exhibit, you can use my darkroom to make prints up ...

Long Exposures

Duke and Duchess of Argyll There is a big difference between working with a view camera and a 35mm camera. As a newspaper photographer, I was using 35mm cameras with the fastest lenses I could afford. When I started working with an 8x10 view camera, it was in the studio. Fast lenses were not as important, the depth of field. Sharp lenses, color corrected lenses those were the holy grail of studio lenses. This large ...

Elkmont, A Smoky Mountain Ghost Town

The area of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park known as Elkmont was once a thriving vacation and retreat area for people from Knoxville. At one time there was a 50-room hotel and about 75 houses and cabins in the area. Little River Lumber Company owned much of what is now the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. They started to sell private plots to individuals in 1910. By 1926 the national park movement was underway. ...

Thank You Paul Boyd

Guages, MWRA Paul Boyd was my father in law. He grew up around Boston and spent most of his life there. Paul was the consummate people person, a connector. If he didn’t know someone, he knew someone who did know that person. He loved real estate and knew most of the great buildings in the city of Boston. My wife and I gave Paul and Donna’s mother Eleanor a copy of my MFA thesis portfolio. ...

Ghost Towns of Western Montana

  Spirit of Structure Workshop: Ghost Towns of Western Montana Maine Media Workshops September 8 to 14, 2019 Dillon and Missoula, MT What is the "Spirit of Structure Workshop"? I use the term Spirit of Structure to describe how I approach photographing the places we humans build. I am trying to capture stories about the built environment. During this workshop, we will visit at least one location a day. These are primarily preserved or maintained ...

Cathedrals of the Industrial Revolution

Seven Statues, Union Station, Washington, DC When I started applying the graduate school in the late '80s, I thought I was going to be the next Ansel Adams. I loved the environment, worked with an 8x10 view camera and made black and white prints. I thought that was the formula to be a great landscape photographer. My first semester's work was all Maine landscape. I thought it was beautiful, but the yawns from my classmates' ...

MMW Spirit of Structure Workshop

Spirit of Structure Workshop Maine Media Workshops August 11 to 17 Rockport Maine What is the "Spirit of Structure Workshop"? I use the term Spirit of Structure to describe how I approach photographing the places we humans build. I am trying to capture a story about the built environment. During this workshop, we will visit at least one location a day. On a couple of days, we may visit several different places. We will travel ...

The Olson House, A Photographers Muse

Kitchen Doors, 1991 On the 100th anniversary of Andrew Wyeth's birth, The Farnsworth Museum put together a show of photographs made in and around the Olson House. I was lucky enough to be one of the photographers invited to participate in the show. They choose three of my images for the exhibition. Where stove once stood. 1991 I have a long history with the Olson House. I first photographed there in 1991, the Farnsworth had ...

Scotland, Off the beaten Path

Photograph the Spirits of Scotland with Tillman Crane Strabo Photo Tours October 5 to 17   "I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks." Daniel Boone I was never wholly lost in Scotland, but I was befuddled on more than one occasion. During my first extensive photo trip to Scotland in 2003, I spent much of my time driving around the highlands and central Scotland seeing what I could ...

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