Tillman Crane Platinum Atelier

A large rock emerges from the ocean at low tide

The Tillman Crane Platinum Atelier provides the perfect opportunity for photographers to work in a darkroom designed for making platinum prints and includes professional supervision and assistance. The Platinum Atelier is available for all levels of expertise – beginner, intermediate and skilled makers of platinum prints. Whether this is your first experience with this beautiful printing process or you are making an entire portfolio for an exhibit, you can use my darkroom to make prints up to 16×20 inches.

A bud and three leaves are set in ice

I will celebrate 30 years of platinum printmaking in 2020, and my knowledge and experience is available to any photographer working in my darkroom. You can work from original negatives or digital files. I can help with your choice of paper and platinum process (traditional Platinum /Palladium developing-out process, NA2 Platinum developing-out process, Malde-Ware Printing out process or the Zia-type Printing out process). I have curves for each process, and we can make specific curves for your needs.

These blinds look like an exploding rib cages in an abandoned house in Wilow City, ND

I have worked with students across the globe, both in my darkroom and in public and private darkrooms. I have learned that two things hold students back from pursuing making platinum prints: the cost of the process and the setting up the darkroom. This is where the Platinum Atelier comes in. Platinum printing is an expensive process, but I have the knowledge and experience to help you avoid costly mistakes. My darkroom is ready to serve as your darkroom, with two high output light boxes with vacuum frames and a sink that can handle up to 20×24 paper. Use my darkroom to “get your feet wet” with the process before you set up your own darkroom, or come use my darkroom when you need platinum prints.

A fancy chair against a wall at teh entrance to a Florence Museum

This is not a printing service! You are the artist and creator here, and only one person will be using the Atelier at a time. I will be available to teach and guide you through the printing process, as you need. You will make all final creative decisions. You will be able to stand by your prints in an exhibition and say, “Yes, these were printed by me,” and you will be able to write about the aesthetic decisions that went into creating your masterpiece.

Four handles hang in aabandoned grainelevator in Willow City, ND

You can organize your work by the day or by the project. You will provide film/digital negatives, the paper of your choosing and metal salts. I will provide the developer and clearing baths, printer and materials to make your digital negatives and densitometer. The day rate for the Platinum Atelieris $1000/day and half days are the shortest increments of availability. Scheduling for 2019 is open. Contact tillman@tillmancrane.com.


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